Sunday, 6 December 2015

Design A Pragmatic Strategy For Your Business

The word strategy comes from Greek, στρατηγός" (strategos), meaning "leader or commander of an army, general"; in turn a compound of "στρατός" (stratos), "army, host" + "ἀγός" (agos), "leader, chief", all indirect relatives of the word "ἄγω" (ago), "to lead".

The seemingly contemporary word has been recorded to be used in Byzantine documents from the 6th century onwards, notably in the work attributed to Emperor Leo VI the Wise of Byzantium.

Thus, it is clear that strategy has been used by successful empires, nations and armies since thousands of years.

Today, it has moved on to board rooms, where its accurate insight and implementation (or lack of it) can unfailingly determine the success or failure of a business. So, what exactly is it?

Strategy is what determines your future. Strategy has also been defined as a ‘stream of decisions’ by various academias. In other words, it is the art of marshalling resources to gain an edge over today, and tomorrow.

1. Look for a Framework in the Start

2. Rely on Empirical Studies/ Statistics.

3. Killer Kernels

4. Beg, Borrow, Steal from The Arts

5. Remember: It Is The Only Way to Escape the Middle Class

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