Friday, 19 February 2016

Small Quartz Disc Can Store 360TB data for lifetime, say researchers

Invented as the “Superman Memory Crystal”, the glass memory has been differentiated to the “Memory Crystals” which is used in the Superman films. The data is recorded through self assembled nano-structures developed in Fused Quartz.
Small Quartz Disc Can Store 360TB data for lifetime, say researchers
This storage is having extra-ordinary properties which includes 360TB per disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1000°C and virtually limitless lifetime at room temperature or roughly 13.8 Billion years at 190°C, launching a new stage of eternal data archiving.

The Storage is secure portable memory and it can be really beneficial for the big companies having many archives. It will help organisations like Museums, Libraries and National Archives to protect their records and information.

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